FFOB-340 4 X DGPO Outlet 12 Single Data Outlets
241 x 340mm, Rebated Stainless Steel Lidded floor Box supplied with 4 X DGPO Outlet 12 Single Data Outlets
241 x 340mm, Rebated Stainless Steel Lidded floor Box supplied with 4 X DGPO Outlet 12 Single Data Outlets
241 x 340mm, Rebated Stainless Steel Lidded floor Box supplied with 4 X DGPO Outlet 12 Single Data Outlets
Hinged Lid 241 x 340mm, screw fixes to Steel Box Body
2 x Cord Exit Flaps - allow cords out with the main cover closed
Temporary Cover – secure to body during the concrete pour to prevent ingress of slurry
Steel Box Body - 322 x 265 x 110mm nom. deep. has 10 x combination 25mm/32mm conduit knockouts
Outlet Bracket to Suit 6 x Clipsal 2000 Series Style Power/ Data /AV Outlet
Block-out in concrete slab 342 x 285 x 114mm nom.
Cut-out in raised floor 324 x 267 nom.